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Cubbycove vs Dockatot - Is Cubby Cove better than Dock ATot? - BabyGK

Cubbycove vs Dockatot – Is Cubby Cove better than Dock ATot?

If you looking for a comparison of baby loungers between Cubbycove vs Dockatot to finalize your buying decision then this article is for you. Dockatot is the most famous and old manufacturer of baby loungers, while Cubbycove is introduced in 2019 but it is getting more popular day by day.

Cubbycove vs Dockatot

Both lounges are quality products with good reviews and ratings on amazon. Dockatot is made off some premium material but has a relatively high price as compared to cubbycove baby lounger.

In this article, we will compare the key features of Cubbycove and Dockatot baby loungers. Which helps you in choosing the best baby lounger for your baby. I will explain the key features of both loungers in the comparison table, then you will find a separate review of each product. And in last I share the positive and negative feedback of customers from amazon, why customers like it, and why not.


Cubbycove Lounger

DockATot Lounger

Price Comparison

 There are two variants available in Cubbycove baby lounger:

  • CubbyCove Classic
  • CubbyCove Plus+

CubbyCove Classic is for newborn babies  CubbyCove Plus+ is for elder babies.

Check Price On Amazon

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It has a very high price as compared to Cubbycove. There are two variants Deluxe  & Grand Dock.


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q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B06XGYJ9NL&Format= SL312 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=babygk 20&language=en USir?t=babygk 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B06XGYJ9NL

Cobbycove is made of 100% breathable Cotton and they name it “3D Mesh Fabrics”. It is also made of 100 % cotton and its egdetube is filled with Polyester.
Which lounger is suitable for co-sleeping
Both baby lounger support co-sleeping, they have a raised round edge and you can place your baby in the centre to provide a safe and cozy to your baby.
Sizes and Age
Two sizes are available with Cobbycove:

  • CubbyCove Plus+ (you can use it for children up to 18 months)
  • CubbyCove Classic (For newborn babies and you can use it up to 12 months)
Following are two sizes for Dock a tot is available:

  • Deluxe is Recommended for babies 0-8 months
  • Grand Dock You can use it for children from 9 months to about 3 years.
Washable or not?
Both loungers have removable covers, so cleaning and washing are not an issue in the case of Dockatot and Cubbycove.
Which loungers are suitable for travelling?
Cobbycove comes with a tote bag and CANOPY, tote bag is useful during travel. While Canopy is useful for outdoor lounging, it protects your baby from sunlight. Dock a tot is also supporting easy travelling as it has soft handles for picking. A packing bag is also available, which is very handy during travel.


Is an extension available? when your baby is growing
Dock a tot lounger has an interesting feature that you can open the bottom to extend its length and when it grows it provides more space for the baby’s feet to come out. Cobbycove has a fixed length and size and does not support this feature.
Is my baby lounger has enough Space for the baby?
Both loungers have enough space for babies as per their recommended age. They have a decent length and size as compared to other baby loungers.
Base of lounger
Cobbycove base is also made of 3D Mesh Fabrics, which is breathable and also controls overheating in a hot atmosphere.


Dock a tot have a flat padded surface and a  much stronger base than Cobbycove.



If will buy these from amazon, then you can avail of the return policy. In case of an issue, you can return these loungers any time as per amazon-policy.
Cobbycove comes in the following covers:

  • Snow White
  • Aqua Green
  • Baby Blue
  • Light Blue
  • Rose Pink



Same with dockAtot, you can avail of different colour options.

DockAtot lounger Colors

Reviews or Ratings on Amazon
4.7 out of 5 with 419 global ratings
4.9 out of 5 with 1,433 global ratings

Cubbycove Review

Cubbycove has a very gorgeous look and extremely good features. It was launched in 2019, and currently, it is very popular with a 4.7 out of 5 with 419 global ratings. Cubbycove lounger has the amazon choice batch for its bestseller.


Truly Breathable Material
Tummy Time and Playing
Super Soft and Includes Canopy


Following are some key characteristics of a Cubbycove lounger:


  • CubbyCove is a certified baby lounger with CPSC standards.
  • CubbyCove is made of 3D mesh fabrics and it is a breathable material that makes it safer and more comfortable.
  • It is perfect for outdoor lounging and comes with an outdoor cover that saves your baby from sunlight.
  • It has a perfect large size like dockatot and you can use it for a long time, no need to upgrade.

Cubbycove Review

Customer feedback about CubbyCove

Positive FeedBack
  • Baby sleeps in it comfortably.
  • It has the perfect size as compared to Dockatot and is boppy.
  • Best product at a reasonable price. “Seriously worth every penny. ”
  • Most customers who used Dockatot preferred cubbycove as a better product.
  • dedicated tummy-sleeper.
  • Much reliable quality and some customers are using the same Cubbycove over the year.
  • The best alternative to DockATot.
Negative FeedBack
  • There is 4% negative review, a summary of these is as follow:
  • The baby does not like it.
  • rough for a baby’s skin.
  • too big for our newborn.


Following are some highlights of positive and negative feedback of customers on Amazon, which will give a detailed review before buying.


Lightweight Baby Lounger
Removable Cover for Easy Washing
Suitable from 0-8 Months 


I have shared a detailed review of dockatot on this website you can visit here for more details regarding Dockatot Review. Also, you can find the list of Dockatot lounger alternatives here.

Conclusion: What lounger to buy CubbyCove or Dockatot

Both baby loungers are made of good material and have their own pros and cons. But if you consider CubbyCove then it is the best choice as compared to Dockatot. You can enjoy almost all the features of Dockatot at a very reasonable price of CubbyCove. If you have a limited budget then I will prefer to go with CubbyCove.

Thank you for visiting this, please share your view regarding CubbyCove and Dockatot in the comments.

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